Christmas 2020: Year in Review
We have made it to about the end of the year and Christmas 2020 but for many families, the celebrations will remain virtual because the global pandemic is still going strong and ‘The Vid’ is just waiting for another travelling holiday like Christmas to turn into a super spreader of epic proportions.
This year has been beyond difficult, emotional, exhausting, and scary. Thousands have lost their businesses, jobs, sanity and loved ones. We went from entering March 2020 worrying about the pollen on our cars to completely forgetting about tree sperm as we hunkered down in our homes under government orders wondering when we’d get our next roll of toilet paper.
Though the country was in the midst of a novel virus, many ventured out during Memorial Day weekend as the president at that time minimized the situation and tried to suggest there was an upcoming end date to the pandemic. This led to spikes during every subsequent holiday as many tried to return to pre-Covid life and others disregarded the simple mask mandate.
So what did hundreds of thousands of Americans and Black women do in November?
We voted said president out after four years of division, xenophobia, racism, and unconstitutional behavior, and will be inaugurating the first female, Black, and Asian American Vice President in this country’s history!
Still, this Christmas is going to be exponentially difficult, dangerous (frigid temperatures), and lonely for many. Now more than ever it is crucial to remember the true reason for the season and help your fellow wo/man.

It is also important to keep in mind that this pandemic does not abide by calendars or schedules and will not just magically disappear when the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2021. And while there does appear to be a vaccine on the horizon, it will be well into next year before we see any kind of change in the current fallout after a year’s worth of pandemic damage.
Happy holidays, stay safe, and wear a mask!