Inauguration Day 2021
Today is Inauguration Day 2021 of the 46th president and opening remarks are about to begin before the new administration is sworn in and we get the trash out! My hope is that security measures are exponentially high and that Biden/Harris recruited some private security since the Capitol Coup and insurrection shed the necessary light on the corruption and bias within law enforcement.
On a positive note, I’m so hype to be welcoming in Madam Vice President Kamala Harris! #MVPHarris

First woman >
First Black woman >
First Black and Asian American woman >
First HBCU alumna
After four years of treasonous behavior from a foul and racist president, and a more recent year of a deadly and ongoing global pandemic, there is a lot of pressure on this incoming administration to completely resolve every issue their predecessors allowed and incited. However, I am more realistic in my expectations that immediate resolutions will most likely (should) revolve around loan forgiveness, vaccinations, impeachment, and the restructuring of organizations.